Who is the REAL grassroots candidate for KS 118?

 $$ As always, follow the money! $$

Tatum Lee's Donors

A you can see, Tatum Lee is supported almost entirely by individuals from Kansas.

Jim Minnix's Donors

Alternatively, Jim Minnix get’s all of his campaign funds from lobbyists and political organizations.

How do the candidates vote?

Kansas' Liberty Legislator

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This race is up to the grassroots to push back and tell Topeka that “We The People” tell the government what to do...not the lobbyists!

Here's a ringing endorsement from Steve Stratford!

When others bow out, Tatum still stands.

When Kansas citizens really needed their Representatives & Senators to step up and protect them from government overreach of vaccine mandates, only 19 out of 165 lawmakers broke party lines and did the right thing to protect liberty and bodily sovereignty.

Tatum was one of those 19.

Here's what others are saying:

Want to get involved?


Grassroots volunteers are the heart and soul of any campaign. With your help, we will win. If you have the time and energy - I need you! Please JOIN US today!

Donate Today

All campaigns require donations to be successful. Your consideration of a donation in ANY amount is greatly appreciated and will go directly towards electing me as the next Representative for Kansas House District 118.

Host a Meet & Greet

I'd love to get to know you and your friends and family and share with you more about my campaign and legislative goals. Please consider hosting a neighborhood Meet & Greet - just email us your best dates and times and we will do the rest! I look forward to meeting you!