Kansas Agriculture Facts

Even before Kansas became a state in January of 1861, Kansas has strong agricultural traditions.

Today, Agriculture remains a crucial factor in our state’s economic well-being with approximately 88% of the state’s land under agricultural production.

More than 65,500 farms across the state account for more than 46,000,000 acres of farmland, with more than 8 million cattle and calves across the state.

Annually, Kansas Exports over $3.8 Billion in Agricultural products.


Beef Production

Rural Kansas needs Country Of Origin Labeling to bring their beef commodity prices back.

There is no excuse not to have our the largest part of western KS agriculture (beef) operating in the green…

If cattle ranchers and farmers are making money…the butcher, baker and candlestick maker all make money on Main Street. It’s a trickle down effect.

Want to “revitalize” rural America? This is how!

The answer to saving our small communities is NOT a program the legislature can dream up. If we fix our commodity markets, we will save our hometowns! Oil, gas and agriculture are the keys to a strong Main streets in western Kansas.

When the Obama administration repealed COOL in 2015 producers lost ½ the value of their calves, while American consumers lost their ability to know where their food comes from.

Here’s some quick math: If you own 100 mama cows and lose on average a $1,000 per calf when you sell…that’s over a $500,000 LOSS in the last 5 years.

This is why family farms are going broke. The financial hit is too much to sustain. How many small business downtown could sustain those types of losses?

If you’re wondering why western KS is shrinking, this is it. People can’t afford to have their kids come home to take over the farm & sustain two incomes if it can barely sustain one.

If COVID has shown us anything, it’s that food security, is national security.

We can’t depend on 4 multi-national meat packers who have a monopoly in our beef industry to do the right thing and provide transparency in our beef supply. Remember the empty shelves?

I am NOT for government mandates. But I am for government to step in and enforce anti-trust laws that are already on the books.

In order for consumers to buy USA beef they need to be able to know it is born, raised and slaughtered in the USA…