I believe that life is important at both ends of the spectrum, from the womb to the tomb. God created the world, and then on the last day He breathed life into man. How could we not think that we shouldn’t hold life as the most dear and precious gift that we’ve been given?

Many would try to say, “my body, my choice.” And I agree with that completely. For instance, bodily health autonomy is something we have to hold the most sacred. The battle for mandatory vaccination has shown us this.

But a baby inside of someone isn’t just one body at that point. It’s technically two. That unborn child is a life. And that life has no one to speak for it but those of us on the outside.


I voted for the Value Them Both Amendment that Kansans will vote on in August 2022 during the Midterms. I think it’s important that whenever we can defend life, we must.


I also believe, however, that if we are not fighting just as hard to protect grandma and grandpa in the nursing homes when they are having their rights stripped away because of unnecessary government overreach during this “plandemic”, then we are hypocrites.

That’s why I filed a bill last year to protect those in nursing homes.


HB2327 – Prohibiting county boards, trustees or employees from restricting visitors of residents of a county home for the aged or patients in a county hospital.


God has given us life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Those are divinely put into each of us. And it’s up to us to defend those rights whatever the cost.